Certification Ceremony!
Get inspired & celebrate with us!
This is a day to acknowledge the achievement of all the fantastic participants who have passed the certification courses Business For SDGs and Impact Auditor!
Don't miss out on the event of your lifetime!
This event will give you a great opportunity to get hands-on tips and tools for how to Walk the Talk for Sustainable Development and make an impact in the Next Normal in business!
You'll meet inspirational Business Leaders, Impact Auditors, Change Leaders and Sustainability Managers and learn how they make an impact in business, society and environment.
This event will take place at Inspira - Medicon Village in Lund
Free of Charge - however a no show up fee of 300 SEK
Maria Fager
Account Director at anr+1
Certified Business For SDGs Change Leader
Malin Göransson
Quality & Sustainability Manager at Sproud
Sproud becomes the first food brand in the world to receive ISO 26000 verification for its sustainability work!
Malin will share with us how Sproud was reviewed for their sustainability work and how Sproud can make the most impact through its business.
Sproud is a Sweden-born maker of plant-based dairy alternatives made from yellow split peas. Sproud was founded in Malmö, Sweden, in 2018 and is now available in 30 countries worldwide.
Your host for the event
Eva Vati
CEO & Founder
Eva Vati is an Entrepreneur & Business Strategist who helps executives, businesses, and entrepreneurs future-proof their companies.
She's the founder of VATI of Sweden and VERIFY Agency of Sweden, which is the first company in the world accredited to verify organisations statements.
Get inspired & celebrate with us!
This is a day to acknowledge the achievement of all the fantastic participants who have passed the certification courses Business For SDGs and Impact Auditor!
Free of Charge - however a no show up fee of 300 SEK