We are halfway to 2030
This program is the first one A Sustainable Tomorrow and VATI of Sweden offers in this format, which combines the cross-border meeting with a structured leadership development process that focuses on sustainable leadership, inner development and transformation.
By 2030, we will have eradicated poverty, reduced inequalities and solved the climate crisis. Here we are - at the halfway point - and a lot of work remains to be done. According to the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), new research shows that the answer lies in looking inward, starting with changing ourselves before we can change our external circumstances.
With the help of the Inner Development Goals framework and insights on complexity, Theory U, system change and change management, we work in the program together to gain new insights and build the new transformative leadership where we also go from being and knowing to doing. The purpose is to keep the focus on how you and your organization can reach the goal of Agenda 2030 & Paris Agreement.
The Inner Development Goals is a non-profit, open-source initiative founded by the 29k Foundation, the Ekskäret Foundation, and The New Division and is designed to complement the SDGs. They describe abilities and qualities that we humans need to develop and apply in order to achieve the leadership required.
" I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change...
I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation."
- Gus Speth
Information about the program
Who is it for?
- Do you feel alone in your sustainability work and want to build a network to draw strength and knowledge from? Then this program to accelerate the transformation of organizations and individuals towards achieving the 2030 Agenda is for you! Together we create the future we want and need!
- The program is aimed at those who are formal or informal leaders in an organization (in the private or public sector), and who have the courage to create change beyond the expected, together in a cross-border group of leaders.
- Examples of roles where this approach can make a significant difference are: CEO, Sustainability Manager, Environmental and Quality Manager, Unit Manager, Project Manager, HR Manager, Change Manager, Business Developer, Head of Administration, Board Member.
What is the purpose of the program?
- The purpose is to help you work on your inner development, to strengthen you in your leadership challenges and to build, together with others, a transformative force for change around HOW you and your organization can reach the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030.
How does the Mastermind concept work?
- In a Mastermind group, the group takes on cross-cutting challenges together and creates results that could not have been achieved on their own. It is based on the idea that when two people come together and collaborate, a third participant, "the mastermind", emerges creating insights that the individuals do not have access to.
- The Mastermind format is powerful and well-proven. It was developed by Napoleon Hill in the early 20th century, with the aim of taking your personal and professional life to the next level.
- In the group, we build psychological safety and help each other focus on each other's goals and challenges through group coaching and exchanging experiences. Using different frameworks, concepts and tools, we develop together the transformative leadership needed to tackle the complex challenge of the Agenda 2030 .
"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
- Napoleon Hill
What do I get from participating?
- You get an exclusive support group with the aim of supporting you in the process of developing as an individual and leader, as well as in your professional role.
- You'll work on your professional challenges and the group will assist you in finding new solutions, paths and perspectives.
- You also have access to personal coaching from your facilitator between meetings, as a supplement if you wish. This can support you in both your role as a leader with all your commitments and ambitions and as a person in the midst of life with all that entails.
- You will both coach others and be coached by the group, providing insights and learnings about yourself and others even if your challenges are different.
- You'll develop an action plan for your personal- and leadership development to take after the Mastermind program is complete.
How does it work?
- You apply for the program's limited seats and we select and match participants to form the groups, in order to obtain as high a diversity of backgrounds as possible - all to get the cross-border factor that is the hallmark of A Sustainable Tomorrow.
- Each group has 6-8 participants and is led by an experienced facilitator/coach who you can read more about further down the page.
- We'll meet on 6 occasions (half days) during 1 year. Two of these days are physical, the rest digital.There is also a follow-up day about 6 months after the end of the program.
- Depending on the composition of the group, the program will be held either in English or Swedish. The course material is in English.
- You can apply further down this page in the application form!
Exact dates will be set with each group when matched.
Goals & Results
We set goals at the individual and company level that the participant represents. We also set overall objectives for the Mastermind group and for the society as a whole.
Results and impact targets:
- Individual level
- Group level - The group may wish to develop its own group goal.
- Organizational/company level
- Societal level
Previous Masterminds
Watch the video from the first Mastermind group that started in the fall of 2022.
We accept applications on an ongoing basis. Exact dates for the meetings are set together with each group when it is matched.
We are currently planning to start the next group in September 2024.
The program will run for approximately one year.
Cost: SEK 30,000 or EUR 2,700 ex VAT
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact us:
Helena Wiktor, helena.wiktor@vatiofsweden.com, +46735011755
Your Facilitators
Each group gets its own facilitator who will moderate the meetings, and to whom you have the opportunity to have personal access throughout the program.
Our facilitators are trained coaches and certified sustainability leaders, all of whom have extensive experience in sustainability work and change management in various types of organizations.
VATI of Sweden under the leadership of Eva Vati, has worked with Mastermind programs in various forms since 2018 and has also trained change leaders for sustainability since 2019.
Eva Vati
Eva is CEO and founder of VATI of Sweden, who educate & train organisations to integrate sustainability into their business strategy. She is also the founder of VERIFY Agency of Sweden, which is the world's first accredited company to verify organizations sustainability claims.
In addition to her operational work in sustainability and gender equality, as well as board work in innovative tech companies, Eva is a strong leader and a frequently engaged lecturer worldwide. She has deep knowledge in sustainability, regulations, digitization and change management. Through her certification trainings, articles and international lectures, she has gained a significant role as a credible source and strong force to inspire people and organizations to change.
Helena Wiktor
Helena is a passionate leader, graduate economist & behavioral scientist with more than 15 years of managerial experience in developing sustainable people and corporations in the business world. Helena is passionate about helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential and reap the benefits of their leadership. It is through transformative leadership that together we form a superpower that contributes to speeding up the transition towards a sustainable society.
Helena is a sustainability consultant at VATI of Sweden and is an ICF Certified Professional Leadership Coach, Certified Change Leader in sustainability - Business for SDGs, Certified Impact Auditor ISO26000, trained board member and part of the South Swedish Chamber of Commerce's 100 list for increased competence and diversity in company boards.
Victoria Karlsson
Victoria is a value-driven, curious and strategic generalist who wants to build a better future by making companies become part of the solution. Her background from holding various roles in international B2B has created a solid platform of identifying and understanding different stakeholder needs and how to deliver value throughout the entire value chain.
Victoria is a Certified Change Leader in sustainability - Business for SDGs, Certified Impact Auditor ISO26000. She has built and lead academy and training initiatives and also studied change management and sustainable development thus built an extensive toolbox of methods, models and knowledge. She believes that the complexity of the sustainability challenge requires complex and innovative solutions on both system level and individual level, as well as the courage and persistence to stay on the cause, and where looking inwards is key.
Apart from her professional commitment for sustainability, Victoria is also on a personal downshifting journey. She has moved from the city to the countryside to be closer to nature, become self-sufficeint in terms of food and to live a more sustainable and regenerative life.
Pictures from Mastermind Groups 2022/2023
Pictures from Mastermind Groups 2022/2023

Bo Nilsson
CEO and Founder, A Sustainable Tomorrow
070-527 61 12 / bo@sustainabletomorrow.se

Eva Vati
CEO and Founder, VATI of Sweden
0730-842065 / eva.vati@vatiofsweden.com
Are you part of the AST Family, i.e. are you a main partner or a partner?
Then you receive a 15% discount on the regular price.

A Sustainable Tomorrow is best at meetings that make sustainability happen. We bring together sustainable actors from business, the public sector, civil society and academia. We create modern and unique meeting places where knowledge is spread and networks are created to increase the participants' business benefit based on the Global Goals for sustainable development.
Transformational Leadership, which is the Mastermind for a Sustainable Tomorrow,
is Block 5 in the Certified Sustainability Manager program.
However, this block can be bought separately, just as the other blocks.
Leran more about the Sustainability Manager Program as well as down load the Program Curriculum:
The Certified Sustainability Manager Program